Даю 99 баллов Задание в прикреплённом фото. Заранее спасибо :)

Даю 99 баллов Задание в прикреплённом фото. Заранее спасибо :)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
2.  You promised a nice a view out of the window, but the window looked upon the hotel rubbish bins. I would like to know if I could get a refund for the failed promise. 3.  The grass was not cut well enough again and not all the rubbish was taken away. I would like to have a refund for the failed service and also to get a new person to do the job. 4.  Your dog howled and barked two nights in a row. I would like you to take better care of your dog especially at night, otherwise I will have to complain to the local council  about the whole matter. 5.  I was late for  work because of the slow work of your emploees. I would like to get a formal letter of apology from the bank. 6.  I could not enjoy my meal and had to heat it myself. I would like your company to check with the driver why he fails to deliver hot pizza. I hope to get some kind of refund, maybe  in the  form of an extra pizza with my next order.
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