ДАЮ 60 БАЛОВ!!! write the sentences using a participle instead of a clause 1.the old castle which was built five hundred years ago belongs to the university .2.the holidaymakers who were wearning light clothes walked along the ...

ДАЮ 60 БАЛОВ!!! write the sentences using a participle instead of a clause 1.the old castle which was built five hundred years ago belongs to the university .2.the holidaymakers who were wearning light clothes walked along the beach .3.the lands that were discored by columbus were rich in gold. 4.the children who were excited by the news shouted "hoorah!" three times .5.the hedges that divided the fields were getting yellow .6.the young lady who was standing at the door looked very attractive .7.the two banks which were connected by a bridge were high and looked dangerouse .8.the chocolate factory which was run by Mr Wonker made the best chocolate in the world.9.Betty Smith heard the the noise of a chiled who was crying .10.he entered the yard and smelt leaves that were burning .
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
перевод:написать предложения, используя причастия, а не пункт 1.старый замок, который был построен пятьсот лет назад, принадлежитуниверситет .2.отдыхающие, были wearning легкую одежду, прогулялись по пляжу .3.земли, которые были discored Колумбом были богаты золотом. 4.дети, которые были взволнованы известием кричали ""ура"!" три раза .5.живые изгороди, разделявшей поля становятся желтыми .6.девушка, которая стояла у двери выглядел очень привлекательно .7.два берега были соединены мостом были высокими и выглядели опасная .8.шоколадная фабрика, которая была в ведении МР Wonker сделали лучший в мире шоколад.9.Бетти Смит услышал шум chiled, кто плакал .10.он вошел во двор и пахло листьями, которые горели .
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