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Useful turkey gave rise to a mind home a turkey. This bird has an important commercial value and is appreciated due to its tasty meat.
The nesting period starts at obyknovennoi turkey in April. This predshestvuet mating birds, in which males behave aggressively: there are fierce fights. The male attracts the female with a loud courtship, he throws back his head and low to the ground down the wings. Takes and other fancy poses. For the arrangement of the nests of the Turkey selects hidden from the eye, dry .
The nest is on the ground and shallow pit, the bottom of which is lined with grass. In laying turkeys usually 10-15 eggs. The eggs are grayish-yellow specks. Incubates the offspring are exclusively female. The male at this time removed into the woods, where he is molting. The Chicks leave the nest on the second day after hatching was, and in two weeks they are already able to fly. The first time, young turkeys sleep on the ground, but after 14 days coming up for the night on branches of trees along with adult birds. After some time they begin to lead a nomadic life.
Food for the common turkeys are the berries, fruits and other plant foods. However, poultry feed and animal food: small lizards, frogs and so on
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