Доклад о Шекспире на английском,с переводом на русский)) Срочно до завтра! Даю 40 баллов! Буду очень благодарна!

Доклад о Шекспире на английском,с переводом на русский)) Срочно до завтра! Даю 40 баллов! Буду очень благодарна!
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William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest and famous writers in human history. He was born in Stratford-on-Avon, a small town in the middle of England. His father wanted his son to be a well-educated person and William was sent to the local grammar school. Studying at school the boy actually did not have any free time. But he spent his rare spare hours walking in the forest or watching the river Avon. Those days there were not a lot of theatres in towns and actors and actresses had to travel moving from one place to another with their shows. Sometimes they visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them playing. He got fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor. He went to London and there he became an actor. At that time he began to write plays too. Shakespeare was at the same time an actor and a playwright. In his works he reflected events of his contemporaries' life. His plays were staged in many theatres, translated into many foreign languages. That made Shakespeare a very popular man. Most famous of his plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. They are still popular and you can watch his .plays in almost any country of the world. He produced thirty seven plays at all. He had connections with the best English theatres for about 25 years. William Shakespeare wrote also a lot of poetry including his unbeaten sonnets. There are numerous songs written with his poems. He is still most often published author of the world and well known among people. We do not know much about his life. We can only guess what kind of man he was analyzing the legends and a few documents of the time. Shakespeare died in 1616, but millions people today still admire his plays.
Если предположить, что биографию Шекспира писал бы один из ста­ринных авторов, пожелавший в духе романов XVIII в. дать в названии сжатый план всей книги, он легко вместил бы в несколько строк почти все достоверные сведения о великом драматурге и поэте: «Повесть об Уильяме Шекспире, сыне почтенно­го гражданина Стрэтфорда-на-Эйвоне Джона Шекспира, появи­вшемся на свет апреля 23 дня 1564 г. и прожившем в этом городе до 21 года, когда, оста­вив жену и троих детей на по­печение своей семьи, он отбыл искать счастья в Лондон, актёр­ствовал, приобрёл славу драма­турга и поэта, разбогател, сделал­ся совладельцем театра „Глобус", но на склоне лет возвратился в родной город, где и умер в день своего рож­дения 1616 г.». Первые шаги Шекспира на поприще драматургии относятся, вероятно, к концу 80-х гг. XVI в. Во всяком случае, в 1592 г. Шекспир был уже доста­точно знаменит, чтобы удостоиться личного выпада со стороны одного из своих предшественников. If we assume that the biography of Shakespeare would have written one of the ancient authors, wished in the spirit of the novels of the XVIII century to give the title concise outline of the entire book, it is easy to contain in a few lines almost all of the reliable information about the great playwright and poet: "the Story about William Shakespeare, the son of a respectable citizen of Stratford-on-Avon John Shakespeare, born April 23 1564 day and has lived in this city up to 21 years, when, leaving his wife and three children in the care of his family, he left to seek his fortune in London, acted, gained fame as poet and playwright, became rich, became a co-owner of the globe theatre, but in later years returned to his native city, where he died in the day of his birth, 1616".The first steps of Shakespeare in the field of drama include, probably by the end of 80-ies of the XVI century. In any case, in 1592, Shakespeare was already famous enough to merit a personal attack from one of his predecessors. (это короткий доклад)
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