Доклад про Мексику по англ яз 5 предложений максимум 7 Заранее спасибо

Доклад про Мексику по англ яз 5 предложений максимум 7 Заранее спасибо
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Mexico - officially United Mexican States , a country in North America, bordered on the north by the United States, in the south- east - with Belize and Guatemala , on the west by the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean to the east - the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.Evidence of human presence in Mexico belong to at least XX millennium BC. e . In the middle of I millennium BC. e . in central and southern Mexico are added sedentary culture.In XII-V centuries . BC. e . flourished in Mexico Olmec culture , which had a significant influence on the later classical civilizations . The heyday of these civilizations came in IV-IX centuries . n . e . , it was the culture of Teotihuacan , Zapotec , Totonac , Maya. Other achievements include the Maya hieroglyphic writing , the development of architecture and decorative arts , extensive knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, accurate calendar . In the XII century in Central Mexico appear Aztecs conquered many tribes who lived there , they have created a mighty empire .In 1517 began focused research and the conquest of Mexico by Europeans. Spaniards were sent to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico three expeditions . First in 1517 led by Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba, the second in 1518 - Juan de Grijalva and the third in 1519 - Hernan Cortes , the conqueror of the Aztec empire . In 1522 the Spanish Emperor Charles V approved the latter as captain -general and governor of the conquered lands , transferring ownership of land in its area of ​​64,750 km ² with 100,000 living on them Indians.In 1528 Cortez power was limited to Mexico was sent audiencia - administrative judicial board , reports directly to the king. In 1535 , Mexico joined the newly created Viceroyalty of New Spain . From 1521 to 1821 . , Mexico remained a colonial possession of Spain . Its economy was based on the exploitation of the Indians who were forced to work away their land and mines. Economy of New Spain subordinated the interests of the mother country , it was the most important sector of precious metals mining.Ну, можешь не все взять а 2-3 абзаца.
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