Ex 2. What would you say answering the following. 1. You prefer travelling by air, don’t you? - ………. 2. How do you usually buy tickets? - ……… 3. You get to London at 5:40. It’s rather quick. - ………. 4. Where do you prefer to sit...

Ex 2. What would you say answering the following. 1. You prefer travelling by air, don’t you? - ………. 2. How do you usually buy tickets? - ……… 3. You get to London at 5:40. It’s rather quick. - ………. 4. Where do you prefer to sit? In an aisle or window-seat? - ………. 5. Have you enjoyed the flight? - ……… 6. I was airsick. - ......... Ex 4 Render into English. 1. Я хочу заказать билет в Лондон, / Киева, Нью-Йорка, Варшавы, Мехико/. 2. Я предпочитаю безпосадочному рейсу днем/утром, вечером/. 3. Когда прибывает /вылетает/ самолет в Москву? 4. Когда я должен быть в аэропорту? 5. Вы хорошо долетели? - Нет, очень плохо. Меня тошнило. 6. Когда следующий рейс в ... ? 7. Ваш рейс объявят.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Yes, I do. I think it is awesome to look all the nature from the height. 2. I buy tickets every summer. 3.I am agree. But it is so beautiful to look at the peopleless streets. 4.I prefer to sit in an aisle. 5. Yes, I did. It was awesome. 1. I want to order a ticket to London. 2. I prefer nonstop flight on afternoon/morning/evening. 3. When the planeplane arrives to Moscow? 4.When must I be at airport.? 5.Did you flight well? No, it was so bad. I was sick. 6.When is the next flight to... 7.Your flight will be announced.
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