Грудь КашельКровьРегулярный Прикосновение НемедленноТемпература МедицинаВред Составить предложения с этими словами 

Грудь Кашель Кровь Регулярный Прикосновение Немедленно Температура Медицина Вред Составить предложения с этими словами 
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1)the breast at the person is party plum 2)Strong cough 3)Blood from a nose 4)regular work 5)to touch clothes 6)immediately to solve a problem 7)very high temperature 8)advanced medicine 9)to make big harm!
I've got some problems with my chest. For a week I've been suffering from strong regularly cough. A doctor has examined me and said I need to have my blood preassure measured. I feel pain by touching my chest. I think my temperature is high. I must take some medicine urgently. Smoking is a great harm!
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