I look forward to playing computer games.2 I can't give up doing nothing. My friends and I feel like laughing , relaxing and having a good time. I enjoy watching videos. My friends and I can't help playing sports. Придумать по ...

I look forward to playing computer games.2 I can't give up doing nothing. My friends and I feel like laughing , relaxing and having a good time. I enjoy watching videos. My friends and I can't help playing sports. Придумать по образцу 5 своих предложений
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)I look forward to seeing you. (с нетерпением жду встречи с вами) 2) I can't give up going to the cinema with my friends. (я не могу отказаться от похода в кино с моими друзьями) 3) I enjoy running under the rain. (мне нравится бегать под дождем) 4) My friends and I can't help laughing in class (я с друзьями не могу не смеятся на уроке)
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