II. Choose the correct variant. 1. Law-abiding citizens should … laws. a) pass b) observe c) establish 2. The main duty of the police is … public order. a) to prevent b) to maintain c) to d...

II. Choose the correct variant. 1. Law-abiding citizens should … laws. a) pass b) observe c) establish 2. The main duty of the police is … public order. a) to prevent b) to maintain c) to damage 3. … is imposed on a person who violated a law, a rule or other norm. a) punishment b) murder c) homicide 4. Felonies are always serious … . a) guilts b) thefts c) offences 5. Scotland Yard is the … of the London police force. a) Home Office b) Home Secretary c) headquarters 6. The government proposed to make some … to the Constitution. a) laws b) codes c) amendments 7. Generally, the jury’s … must be unanimous. a) verdict b) evidence c) settlement 8. The accused person is called the … . a) clerk of court b) defendant c) juror 9. The most severe punishment in Britain now is … . a) incarceration b) life imprisonment c) rehabilitation 10. After graduation from the University we’ll get a diploma of a … . a) detective b) investigator c) lawyer
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Law-abiding citizens should … laws.  b) observe 2. The main duty of the police is … public order. b) to maintain 3. … is imposed on a person who violated a law, a rule or other norm. a) punishment 4. Felonies are always serious … . c) offences 5. Scotland Yard is the … of the London police force. c) headquarters 6. The government proposed to make some … to the Constitution.   c) amendments 7. Generally, the jury’s … must be unanimous. a) verdict 8. The accused person is called the … . b) defendant 9. The most severe punishment in Britain now is … . b) life imprisonment 10. After graduation from the University we’ll get a diploma of a … . c) lawyer
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