III. Vocabulary. Fill in the prepositions where necessary: 1. belong … the world … literature; 2. throw a letter … the ground; 3. bark … the wrong tree; 4. point a finger … the dog; 5. beat … death; 6. threaten the son … punish...

III. Vocabulary. Fill in the prepositions where necessary: 1. belong … the world … literature; 2. throw a letter … the ground; 3. bark … the wrong tree; 4. point a finger … the dog; 5. beat … death; 6. threaten the son … punishment; 7. stare … the guests; 8. stare … the window; 9. lie … the dust; 10. It’s … my duties
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 to ... of 2 to 3 at 4 at 5 to 6 with 7 at 8 out of 9 in 10 within  в 10 другого не могу предложить, не знаю, сойдется ли с ключом
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