IV. Употребите артикль там, где это необходимо: 1) Please close … window. 2) This is … text. Read … text, please. 3) Find … Note Five, please. 4) I am … teacher. Ben and Jack are … teachers, too. 5) This … cup is not … red. It’...

IV. Употребите артикль там, где это необходимо: 1) Please close … window. 2) This is … text. Read … text, please. 3) Find … Note Five, please. 4) I am … teacher. Ben and Jack are … teachers, too. 5) This … cup is not … red. It’s … yellow. 6) Bess is my … friend. Look … Bess. 7) Where is … red tie? It’s on … bed.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)the 2)read the 3)a 4)am a 5)a red 6)look at 7)on the
1 - Please close the window. 2 - This is a text. Read the text please. 3 - Find the Note Five, please. 4 - I am a teacher. Ben and Jack are teachers, too. 5 - This cup is not red. It's yellow. 6 - Bess is my friend. Look at Bess. 7 - Where is the red tie? It's on the bed.
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