ХТО МОЖЕ ПОМОЖІТЬ!!! Open the brackets using the Simple Past or the Present Perfect of the 8. I (feed) . birds in the park every day since I lost my job. 9. We (fight) . a war last year. 10. I (cut) . some flowers in my garden ...

ХТО МОЖЕ ПОМОЖІТЬ!!! Open the brackets using the Simple Past or the Present Perfect of the 8. I (feed) . birds in the park every day since I lost my job. 9. We (fight) . a war last year. 10. I (cut) . some flowers in my garden yesterday. 11. I (forget) ... to turn off the stove after dinner. 12. The children (hide) .   in the basement often since they discovered a secret place there. .
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
8. have fed 9. fought 10. cut 11. forgot 12. have hidden
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