Написала сочинение но английскому, но сенсей сказала, что я безграмотная и у меня много косяков(( Проверьте, пожалуйста!Now most people around the world are concerned about environmental issues, because our planet Earth is our ...
Написала сочинение но английскому, но сенсей сказала, что я безграмотная и у меня много косяков(( Проверьте, пожалуйста!
Now most
people around the world are concerned about environmental issues, because our
planet Earth is our home. During last decodes happened on our Earth many
disasters, the main factors which became human activities. Explosions of
nuclear plants, accidents on oil tankers in the ocean, deforestation,
destruction of plants and animals, pollution of air and water emissions plants and
I hope you
can fix everything. Scientists around the world are now developing technologies
that allow the use of renewable energy sources. See the cars that drive on
environmentally safe fuel. New enterprises in developed countries are built
with consideration of ecological requirements. What awaits us in the future?
I very much
would like that in our country to environmental issues seriously. To save the
environment, you need ban ocean dumping, encourage waste recycling, protect the
endangered species, create more conservation areas, and need act quickly before
it becomes too late. We need to live in unity with nature and keep it.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
During last decades many disasters happened on our Earth. The main cause of them was human activities. Про water emissions plants and transport не поняла. Что ты хотела этим сказать? Дальше. I hope people will be able to fix everything. I would like everyone in my country to take environmental issues seriously, you need to ban..., need to act. Вроде все :)
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