Написать маленький рассказ, кто такой герой. 1) A hero a someone who... 2-3 примера. 2) A hero for me his... a) personality 5 примеров б) сам пример for example

Написать маленький рассказ, кто такой герой. 1) A hero a someone who... 2-3 примера. 2) A hero for me his... a) personality 5 примеров б) сам пример for example
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A hero a someone who's ready to sacrifice everything to protect somebody other. In my opinion, a hero is a person,who can make you admire his work or lifestyle, be an icon of his time. He should have great impact on a peoples' behavior . He should help in matters which  aren't his problem. He should inspire people . He should be extremely brave and responsive. He should do his moral duty. He should have his own views, that can be shared by millions of the people. I suppose, that one of the most respectable heroes now is Ernesto 'Che' Guevara.He was really  affected on poverty of South America people, that made him decide , what revolution was  the only way to answer to his country's problems.He was captured and shot, because of his views and radical endeavour of helping the low american society.
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