Народ помогите написать реферат на биографию Илья Ильина на АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ!Не на русском. Если кто сможет дайте ссылку или просто напишите мне ответ!!!

Народ помогите написать реферат на биографию Илья Ильина на АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ! Не на русском. Если кто сможет дайте ссылку или просто напишите мне ответ!!!
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In December 2001 held in Semipalatinsk Kazakhstan Championship in weightlifting special prize for the youngest participant was 13-year-old schoolboy from Kyzylorda Ilya Ilyin.  In the spring of 2005, to his seventeenth birthday, Ilyin won the World Junior Championships.  November 15, 2005 in Doha, Qatar, in the category up to 85 kg (the largest in the championship - it was declared more than 30 athletes), Ilya snatched 170 kg in the second run and lost 173 kg in the third, and there was only seventh in the snatch . His coach emphasized the push as a "crown" of Elijah, and it has paid off, Ilya made ​​three approaches - to 205, 211 and 216 kg and won a boost, setting a world record, and the sum of two motions weightlifter excelled with the result of 386 kg that was another world record. Ilya was the youngest member in the category of 85 kg. Recognized as the best weightlifter championship in 2005. Ilia II in Kazakhstan after Anatoly Khrapaty, five-time winner of world championships and Olympic champion 1988, world champion in weightlifting.
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