Переделайте предложения с Активного Залога в Пассивный 1.My class neighbour doesn't let me look into his exercise book! 2.Jane made Tom buy an expensive birthday present for her! 3.Mother doesn't make me clean my teeth twice a ...

Переделайте предложения с Активного Залога в Пассивный 1.My class neighbour doesn't let me look into his exercise book! 2.Jane made Tom buy an expensive birthday present for her! 3.Mother doesn't make me clean my teeth twice a day. 4.Nick's parents let him watch TV till midnight! 5.That woman made me give up my place to her.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. I'm not allowed by my class neighbour to look into his exercise book! 2. Tom was made by Jane to buy an expensive birthday present for her! 3. I am not made by my mother to clean my teeth twice a day. 4. Nick is allowed by his 's parents to watch TV till midnight! 5. I was made by that woman to give up my place to her.
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