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ar. His golden hair shone in the sunlight and his merry blue eyes were kind and clever. He was the strongest athlete, the best poet, and his music touched the heart of every lady at court. He smiled all the time, and when he looked at his young bride Catherine everybody could see that he was really in love with her.
I thought Princess Catherine was very lucky with her future husband. She hind her. In her hands there was the crown of England and... with that crown she was crowning a Scottish king!
Father looked at me and saw the understanding (понимание) in my eyes. "Listen, Edina," he said, "Listen carefully. If the King doesn't meet the woman with long dark hair and six fingers on her hand, he WILL be happy with Catherine, but we can't tell him about that. You know all about the ancient prophecy. For centuries we, the MacWizards, have been waiting for this chance. Now it's time to act.
I won't show the horoscope to the King. I'll tell him that I couldn't make it. Then I'll go home, but you will stay here and wait for the child with golden hair. Guard her like a dog, give your life for her if you have to, but that girl mustn't die. She must become the Queen of England and then give the crown to a Scottish king!"
"But I'm only a little girl, and I'll be all alone at the English court. How can I protect the child?" I asked.
"You will not be alone," Father said. "Take the MacWizards's ring, and magic which is older and more powerful than anything in the world will be with you." Father took the big, gold ring with snakes off his finger and gave it to me. I had seen that ring before. It was the biggest treasure of the family. "Remember: anybody who wears this ring will not die until he does what he
Father's plan worked. The King took the silence of the stars as a good sign. Henry also allowed me to stay at the court and asked Catherine to look after me.
On 23 June, a sunny day, Henry and Catherine were crowned in Westminster Abbey. Everybody was happy for them. "Long live the king, long live Henry VIII!" I shouted together with thousand of other people "Long live Queen Catherine!" On that day I didn't want to think about the gloomy future of that marriage.
Years passed and I lived at court as one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting. The King and the Queen were happy together. Catherine was kind and helped her husband with everything. Like him (как и он), she enjoyed music and dance. The King asked the Queen's advice and followed it. There was only one problem: Catherine couldn't give Henry an heir to the throne. None of their children lived for longer than a month. Catherine was getting very depressed, but Henry didn't lose hope.
On 18th February 1516, seven years after her wedding day, Catherine gave birth to a healthy girl. I held the baby in my arms and went to the window. When I opened the curtains, my heart jumped. The girl's hair shone in the sun. The red-haired princess had come. There wasn't going to be any woman with six fingers.
The girl was called Mary. I looked after her from the first day of her life. She was the little sun of our court. The King used to carry her on his shoulder and show her off. "This is Mary," he used to say. "My pearl! The diamond of all England!" Mary was not only pretty but also clever. She took after both her father and mother. The princess was kind and religious like her mother, and she got her strong character and great talent for music, poetry and languages from her father.
Mary's perfect childhood came to an end when she was about ten. One day I found my little princess in tears. "I don't want to go away! I want to be here with Mother and Father. Why should I go to Wales?" Mary was crying. "Because the King wishes it," the Queen answered. She saw me and smiled proudly: "The King wants to crown Mary Princess of Wales. It means that she will become the Queen of England after him. Oh, Edina, it's the best news I've on her, he didn't notice anything around him. That moment I recognized the man. It was the King! She put her hand into his and I saw that she had six fingers.
That's how I met Anne Boleyn, the woman who changed our life and England forever.
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