Переведи слова на русский язык tomorrow, yesterbday, always, sometimes, soon, in three days , last year, usually, every year,a month ago, next week, often, the day defore yesterday. запишите слова - помощники: did, do, does,wil...

Переведи слова на русский язык tomorrow, yesterbday, always, sometimes, soon, in three days , last year, usually, every year,a month ago, next week, often, the day defore yesterday. запишите слова - помощники: did, do, does,will 1... you see this film yesterday? 2...he like chocolate? 3...your sister sleet last nigt? 4...you help your mother soon? 5...Tom get up at 7 oclock every morning? 6...they play football last Sunday? 7...you want to go to the cinema? 8...she finish this work tomorrow? раскрой скобки употребив глаголы в нужном времени 1 My friends ... (like) in london every summer. 2 You often ... (go) for a walk. 3 Yesterday Ann ... (watch) 4 Tomorrow I ... (read) an interesting book. 5 he ... (work) at school last year. 6 We ... (Visit) Moscow next week. написать и сравнить и превосходной степени Положительная сравнительная Превосходная Fat thin happy lazy cold strong good little comfortable talented ПОМАГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
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Перевод: завтра сегодня всегда  иногда в ближайшее время в течение трех дней в прошлом году обычно каждый год месяц назад на следующей неделе часто  позавчера
1)tomorrow-завтра, yesterbday-вчера, always-всегда, sometimes-иногда, soon-скоро, in three days-в течении трех дней , last year-в прошлом году, usually-обычно, every year-каждый год,a month ago-месяц назад, next week-на следующей неделе, often-часто, the day defore yesterday-позавчера. 2)1Did you see this film yesterday? 2. Does he like chocolate? 3. Did your sister sleet last nigt? 4.Will you help your mother soon? 5. Does Tom get up at 7 oclock every morning?  6. Did they play football last Sunday? 7. Do you want to go to the cinema?  8.Will she finish this work tomorrow? 3) 1 My friends like to be  in london every summer. 2 You often go for a walk. 3 Yesterday Ann watched. 4 Tomorrow I will read an interesting book. 5 he worked at school last year. 6 We will visit Moscow next week. 4) Fat-fatter-the fatterest thin-thiner-the thinest happy-happier-the happiest lazy-lazier-the laziest cold-colder-the coldest strong-stronger-the strongest good-better-the best little-less-the least comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable talented-more talented- the most talented
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