Переведите пж. The nature of the Altai, Alatau Mountains is rich in various flowers: iris, saffon, bluebells, autumn crocus, snowdrops, peonies, some kinds of roses and tulips and the symbol ol mountains, edelweiss
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The nature of the Altai, Alatau Mountains is rich in various flowers: iris, saffon, bluebells, autumn crocus, snowdrops, peonies, some kinds of roses and tulips and the symbol ol mountains, edelweiss
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
The nature of the Altai, Alatau Mountains is rich in various flowers: iris, saffon, bluebells, autumn crocus, snowdrops, peonies, some kinds of roses and tulips and the symbol ol mountains, edelweiss.
Природа Алтая, Алатау богата различными цветами: ирис, saffon, колокольчики, безвременник, подснежники, пионы, некоторые виды роз и тюльпанов и символ ола гор, эдельвейс
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