Переведите в Пассивный залог пж оч надо.. 1.he sells my house . 2.The bee fascinated my sister . 3.Why does she sell my house? 4.The detective is arresting the man. 5.She phoned you last night 6.DId she phone you last night 7...
Переведите в Пассивный залог пж оч надо..
1.he sells my house .
2.The bee fascinated my sister .
3.Why does she sell my house?
4.The detective is arresting the man.
5.She phoned you last night
6.DId she phone you last night
7.She is killing her does.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) My house is sold by him.
2) My sister was fascinated by bee.
3) Why is the house sold by her?
4) The man is being arrested by detective.
5) She was phoned last night.
6)Was she phoned last night?
7) Her dog is being killed by her.
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