Подставьте артикль (a, an, the) там, где это необходимо: 1. This is … old park. ... park is big and nice. 2. Please, give me ... bag and .... umbrella. 3. This is ... text. Read ... text, please. 4. Read … Page Ten, please. 5....

Подставьте артикль (a, an, the) там, где это необходимо: 1. This is … old park. ... park is big and nice. 2. Please, give me ... bag and .... umbrella. 3. This is ... text. Read ... text, please. 4. Read … Page Ten, please. 5. My friend is ... interpreter. 6. They are ... students. 7. Please, take that photo, Jimmy. Give me ... photo, will you? It’s ... nice photo. 8. Bess is … my friend.
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1 an .the 2.a;an 3.a;the 4.хз 5.an 6. 7.the;a 8.
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