Помогите написать сочинение на английском на тему моя будущея профессия

Помогите написать сочинение на английском на тему моя будущея профессия
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After school, one must make the most important step in my life - to choose a profession. Profession - is consciously favorite channel, in which you will invest a lot of time and effort. It is important that abilities and character traits consistent with your activity.    There is an interesting statement: "Find what you love to do and do not work all my life." From this it follows that the work, profession and vocation should be the same, otherwise, none of them will not bring no joy, no material wealth.     What I want from their future profession? Of course, that it is creative and developmental, that in the course of work I've talked with many interesting people and maybe traveled to other cities. Secondly, I should have some knowledge and skills to be the best in their chosen profession. Third, what I'll do is to benefit society, not just me. And finally, my future profession to like me, so I did not wake up every day with the thought: "Again at work, when will your vacation?!?"     I understand that in the 17 years to make such a choice is very difficult, so now we can only speculate and make plans. I really like the profession of architect, which develops projects of future buildings, creating small models first, and then transfers the idea into reality. Of course, this profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, so before their first project to be done a lot to learn and try.     The work of the architect and combines creativity and rationality, and knowledge, and continuous development. After all, if you do not again and again to learn, to learn new methods of construction, and other subtleties of the profession can be permanently "stuck" in the past and stay in place.     Another very important advantage of this type of activity - the usefulness and relevance to society. Literally with their own hands to influence the appearance of the city in which you live, make your yard, the street, the area so what I would like - all this can give the profession of architect. And what could be better than to give pleasure to the people who come for the first time in a new building or an apartment? I can make a building comfortable and practical and, at the same time beautiful and pleasing the eye. But to implement these plans, I will have a few years to study at the institute, to spoil the mountains of paper for drawings and kilograms cardboard layouts.     If for some reason the architect profession will remain a dream for me, I will try myself in other areas. For example, in the economy. From an economist depends on the successful work of the enterprise or the entire city. There are a lot of interesting jobs, but what I would work may be, will have to start from the beginning, learning everything from the smallest detail. The main thing - a creative approach to the task at hand and safely go to the goal, undeterred by challenges and obstacles. Then the work will bring joy, self-assertion and a good salary.
Composition: buduyschaya my profession is good, I'll be getting a lot of about a hundred thousand! I really wish that this profession once I have come true!
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