Помогите Нужно написать сочинение что вы б взяли на необитаемый остров на английском языке

Помогите Нужно написать сочинение что вы б взяли на необитаемый остров на английском языке
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If I was on a desert island. It seems to me, to get on a desert island dreams of almost every student. This is a great opportunity to test their strength of spirit, ability to cope with unexpected difficulties to live independently. I would like to turn briefly to the unexplored land, one in the wild. I am sure that I would be able to cope with all the difficulties and make a journey to the island in a joyful and unforgettable adventure. If I had the opportunity to pack up on a desert island in advance, I would have prepared properly and collected a large backpack camp. I would definitely take with you matches, flashlights, blankets and camp pad, pocket knife, canned food, bait, compass and many other objects that live on the island much easier. I would also brought with him the book of Daniel Defoe's "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe": there are so detailed and captivating told about life on a desert island. However, most likely, I would have ended up on the uninhabited island by chance and without the necessary things. In books it happens that way. I would not be at a loss in this case. First of all I would explore the island and painted on a piece of tree bark detailed map of this place. On the map I would have said the light side. Looking around the island, I would choose a safe place for the night, would pay attention to plants and edible fruits, would have found a source of fresh water. Then I'd built for himself a small dwelling. It would be a hut made of logs, sticks and branches. Usually on exotic islands trees with large leaves. I would use them instead of blankets and pillows. Then I would have found a suitable food. The island would probably have found delicious fruits, berries, nuts. If I could make the bait, I would catch some fish. To me as soon as you can find, I'd made a fire. From books about the campaigns, I know that for a high column of smoke is best to use pine branches. I would try to do so that my fire is never extinguished. Then the ships passing by to see me as soon as possible, saved and taken home. Journey to a desert island would not only gave me a sea of ​​vivid impressions, but also taught me to be more independent and adults.
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