ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!! ДАЮ 50 Б 2. Write sentences using the second conditional. I / win the lottery / buy a yacht. If won the lottery, l'd buy a yacht. 1. He / have more money / give some to charity. If.........................

ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!! ДАЮ 50 Б 2. Write sentences using the second conditional. I / win the lottery / buy a yacht. If won the lottery, l'd buy a yacht. 1. He / have more money / give some to charity. If................................................................................ 2. People in Africa / have more food / not be hungry. If......................................................................................... 3. They / listen in class / pass the exam. If........................................................................................ 4. I / see a snake / scream. If........................................................................................ 5. We / not do our homework now / not be free tonight. If............................................................................................. 6. She / know you / like you. If............................................................................................ 3. Write guestions using the second conditional. What / you / do / if / find 1000 euros in the street? What would you do if you found 1000 erous in the street? 1. You / be happier / if / have more money? ............................................................................... 2. How / you / react / if / hear a racist comment? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3. Where / you / go / if / have a free plane ticket? .................................................................................... 4. What / you / buy / if / have a credit card? ........................................................................... 5. What / you / do / if / see a famous person? ............................................................................... 6. Who / you / take with you / if / win two free tickets to a rock concert. ........................................................................................................................... 4. Complete the sentences using the second conditional. She diesn't go to parties because she isn't sociable. If she was sociable, she would go to parties. 1. They are homeless because they haven't got a home. If they had............................................................................. 2. He is cold because he doesn't wear a coat. If he wore............................................................ 3. They are hungry because they don't have anything to eat. If they had...................................................................................... 4. She is rich because she saves all her money. If she didn't save.............................................................................. 5. We are at home today because we don't have to go to school. If we had................................................................................................ 6. They go for a walk every day because they've got a dog. If they didn't have................................................................................
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
#2 1. If we had more money we would give some to charity 2. If people in Africa had more food they wouldn't be hungry 3. If they were listening in class they would pass the exam 4. If I saw a snake I would scream 5. If we didn't do our homework now we wouldn't be free tonight 6. If she knew you she would like you #3 1. Would you be happier if you had more money? 2. How would you react if you heard a racist comment? 3. Where would you go if you had a free plane ticket? 4. What would you buy if you had a credit card? 5. What would you do if you saw a famous person? 6. Who would you take with you if you won two free tickets to a rock concert? #4 1. If they had got a home they wouldn't be homeless 2. If he wore a coat he wouldn't be cold 3. If they had something to eat they wouldn't be hungry 4. If she didn't save all her money she wouldn't be so rich 5. If we had to go to school we wouldn't be at home today 6. If they didn't have a dog they wouldn't go for a walk every day
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