Помогите плиз 1)Give the plural of the following nouns: a subject, a laboratory, a class, a book, a dictionary, a translation, a tape-recorder, a lesson, a shelf, a child, a grownup, a film-strip, a school, an institute, a tea...
Помогите плиз
1)Give the plural of the following nouns: a subject, a laboratory, a class, a book, a dictionary, a translation, a tape-recorder, a lesson, a shelf, a child, a grownup, a film-strip, a school, an institute, a teacher, a report, a college, a mark, a circle, a story, an examination.
2) Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:
Foreign ... are necessary for the ... of all .... (language, languages, representative, representatives, profession, professions) 2. We had to read and to translate a new ... to give some ... for a certain grammar ... and to answer several ... in English, (text, texts, example, examples, rule, rules, question, questions) 3. I liked to study English very much, so it was pleasant for me to answer all teacher's... . (question, questions) 4. I am fond of all Dickens' ... (book, books). He describes the childhood of his ... very well, (character, characters) 5. We had to explain the ... of all the ... in the passive ... . (formation, formations, tense, tenses, voice, voices) 6. 1 had to translate a ... from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, (passage, passages) 7. Our Institute choir sang several English ... . (song, songs).
3) Choose the correct form of the noun:
I have got good (mark, marks) in all (subject, subjects) . 2. This year 1 hope to pass all my (examination, examinations) well. 3. English is my favourite (subject, subjects) . 4, Many (grown-up, grown-ups) and (child, children) speak English. 5. I speak English with my (schoolmate, schoolmates) and with my (teacher, teachers). 6. 1 have got many English (book, books) at home. 7. "Oliver Twist" is one of my favourite (book, books) . 8. There are (student, students) who speak English well.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) subjects, laboratories, classes, books, dictionaries, translations, tape-recorders, lessons, shelfs, children, grown ups, film-strips, schools, institutes, teachers, reports, colleges, marks, circles, stories, examinations
2)languages, representatives, professions
2. text, questions
5. formations, tenses, voice
6. passage
3)marks, subjects
4.grown ups, children
5.schoolmates, teachers
A subject - subjects; a laboratory - laboratories; a class - classes; a book - books; a dictionary - dictionaries; a translation - translations; a tape-recorder - tape-recorders; a lesson - lessons; a shelf - shelves; a child - children; a grownup - grownups; a film-strip - film-strips; a school - schools; an institute - institutes; a teacher - teachers; a report - reports; a college - colleges; a mark - marks; a circle - circles; a story - stories; an examination - examinations.
Languages, representative, professions
Text, examples, rule, questions
Formations, tenses, voice
Marks, subjects
Grown-ups, children
Schoolmates, teachers
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