ПОМОГИТЕ!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! 2. Jane… in London yesterday. a) are b) was c) will be 6. Does she feel … today? a) weller

ПОМОГИТЕ!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! 2. Jane… in London yesterday. a) are b) was c) will be 6. Does she feel … today? a) weller b) better c) more well 39. Выберите нужное: The … was thick. Nothing was seen. a) snow b) rain c) wind d) fog 40. Выберите нужное: Spell and translate the … words. a) coming b) approaching c) going d) following 41. Выберите нужное: Russia is our … . a) earth b) land c) soil d) ground
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2. b 6. b 39. d 40. d 41. b?
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