Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!! In Andorra people live longer than in any other European country. It seems they have discovered the secret of a long and _________HEALTH_________ life. People in Andorra stay active and _________ENERGY...

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!! In Andorra people live longer than in any other European country. It seems they have discovered the secret of a long and _________HEALTH_________ life. People in Andorra stay active and _________ENERGY_________ at old age. They attend gyms and public _________SWIM_________ pools for free. Exercise is one reason, the others are clean air and a diet based on vegetables and olive oil. People of all ages in Andorra are cheerful and ________FRIEND__________. They think that life is ________FANTASY__________ and they do their best to enjoy it. Andorra is the most _________PEACE_________ country in Europe – they haven’t had a war for 700 years. What do you think is the most stressful and ________DANGER__________ job in Britain? Is it a police officer, a detective or a news _________REPORT_________? Well, statistics say it is a London taxi driver. It is a ________REAL__________ hard job as traffic is getting worse. If we sit in a traffic jam for a few minutes, we start feeling _________NERVE_________ and irritated. But imagine you had to do that every day as your job! And you have to remain _________CARE_________ and attentive in spite of everything. London taxi drivers have to have a good memory to be able to take a _________TRAVEL_________ from A to B without looking at the map or asking for directions.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. healthy 2. energetic 3. swimming 4. friendly 5. fantastic 6. peaceful 7. dangerous 8. reporter 9. really 10. nervous 11. careful 12. traveller
1. healthy - прилагательное 2. energetic - прилагательное 3. swimming - прилагательное 4. friendly - прилагательное  5. fantastic - прилагательное 6. peaceful - прилагательное 7. dangerous - прилагательное 8. reporter - существительное 9. really - наречие 10. nervous - прилагательное 11. careful - прилагательное 12. traveller - существительное (указала часть речи, которая требовалась по контексту)
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