Помогите пожалуйста мама учила немецкий не может помочьПрочитайте предложения из письма Мисс чэттер ее подруге употребите глаголы данные в скобках в Past Simple

Помогите пожалуйста мама учила немецкий не может помочь Прочитайте предложения из письма Мисс чэттер ее подруге употребите глаголы данные в скобках в Past Simple
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had was counted  played had spoke copied asked answered ate drank sang drew had
Yesterday my puplis had three lassons The first lesson were Maths They counted flowers and play computer games My puplis had English in the secound lesson They spoke English, copyed new words, asked and answered the questions During the secound break they ate bananas and chocolate, drank orange juice During the third lesson my puplis sang a lovely English song and drew pictures My puplis had a good time at school.
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