Помогите пожалуйста! НУЖНО СОСТАВИТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ! 1. What jobs will/won,t be popular in the future? I think either … or …will be the top job. I think neither … nor …will be popular. an accountant a dentist a doctor an IT consu...

Помогите пожалуйста! НУЖНО СОСТАВИТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ! 1. What jobs will/won,t be popular in the future? I think either … or …will be the top job. I think neither … nor …will be popular. an accountant a dentist a doctor an IT consultant a lawyer a manager a teacher an engineer a skilled worker an unskilled worker 2. What factors influence the choice? People (don, t) choose a job of …, because … have good/bad career opportunities earn the respect of people have good/bad working conditions work in a friendly atmosphere have short/long (working) hours do had work earn a low/high salary 3. When are people satisfied with the job? People are satisfied with the job that allows them … to be financially independent to feel safe as they work to feel good about themselves to feel respect to belong to a team to feel personal achievement to have an opportunity to make a career 4. What skills are necessary for different jobs? The job of … requires … communication skills basic IT skills an ability to learn team-working skills time management skills skills in problem solving skills in planning and organization 5. What qualities are valued? It is valued when workers are... showing initiative co-operative self-motivated self-confident creative flexible well-organized
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. An IT consultant or a lawyer. (Either) Dentist or a teacher. (Neither) 2. Of/As a Mail Deliver, because of the bad career opportunities and long working hours. (Don't) Of/As a Teacher, because of the good working conditions and a friendly atmosphere. (Choose) 3. Them to feel good, safe and respected as they work. 4. Of an IT consultant requires basic IT, time management and teamwork skills. Are self-confident, co-operative, flexible and well-organized.
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