Помогите пожалуйста перевести номер!!!!!!! Ооооочень оооооочень прошу!!!! Нужно решить 5 номер

Помогите пожалуйста перевести номер!!!!!!! Ооооочень оооооочень прошу!!!! Нужно решить 5 номер
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 I was not allowed to choose school. 2" Let me go with Granny to Scotland " Nelly asked her mum. 3 We didn't expect him to strike/hit. 4. A boy was made to stay at home because he was ill. 6.Some new shopping centres were built in our city last year,but we were not allowed to build a stadium. 7. We would like them to visit the most picturesque place in the north of England -Lake Dictrict. 8 Don't make me сry at the top of my voice. 9. The pupil's answer made an old teacher feel happy. 10. Children were not allowed to play a computer.
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