Помогите пожалуйста с английским! Очень срочно надо перевести текст и ответить на вопросы! Помогите !!! A REAL FRIEND Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived in the moun tains Wales. He had a little son two years old, w...
Помогите пожалуйста с английским! Очень срочно надо перевести текст и ответить на вопросы! Помогите !!!
A REAL FRIEND Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived in the moun tains Wales. He had a little son two years old, whom he loved very dearly a was always near the boy. He was ready protect him at any moment. ared to go hunting, Gelert could Heel be d, and Llewellyn had to go without him. That day the hunt was not good because his favourite hound was absent. When Llewellyn came back home late in the alternoon, Gelert came running to meet him. There was blood on his face and head. Llewellyn hurried to the room where the child slept. The child could not be seen in the room. The bed. chairs and ta- bles were overturned. Here Bnd there he could see blood on the floor Llewellyn turned to Gelert and said, "You have killed my child' So he killed the dog. But a few minutes later he found his son in his overturned bed He was all right. Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf lying in a dark corner of the room. Then Llewellyn mnderst everyth Gelert had killed the wolf before it attacked the child. Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to his hound
l Who was Llewellyn& where did he live? Whom did he lovemostof all in his life? 2. Who was Gelert and what do you leamabout him in the finst lines of the story? 3.Why did Lewellyn decide to go hunting alone day? 4 Why did Llewellyn retumhome earlierthan usual? 5.What did Lewellyn notice when Gelert me running to meet him? 6. What did he t see in the child's room where he immediately humied? 7 What did he do when he saw all that? Why? 8. What did Llewellyn discover a few minutes later? 9. What did he understand now? faithful hound? 10. How did Llewellyn show his somow for his
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Настоящий друг
Много лет назад богатый человек по имени Лливелин жил в горах Уэльса. У него был маленький двухлетний сын,которого он очень нежно любил. Гелерт,большой пёс,всегда был рядом с мальчиком. Он был готов защитить его в любой момент.
В одно прекрасное утро,когда Лливелин готовился пойти на охоту,он никак не мог найти Гелерта. Потому был вынужден отправиться без него. В этот день охота не задалась -- не было любимой собаки. Когда Лливелин после обеда вернулся домой,Гелерт выбежал встретить его. На его мордочке и голове была кровь. Лливелин поторопился в ту комнату,где спал ребёнок.
Хозяин не увидел ребёнка. Кровать,стулья и столы были перевёрнуты. На полу кровь.
Лливелин повернулся к Гелерту и сказал:"Ты убил моего сына!" И убил собаку. Но несколько минут спустя он нашёл своего сына за перевёрнутой кроватью. С ним всё было в порядке. Позже в тёмном уголке комнаты он увидел тело большого серого волка.
Лливелин всё понял. Гелерт убил волка до того,как он бросился на ребёнка.
На своём дворе Лливелин положил большой камень -- как памятник своему псу Гелерту.
1. Llewellyn was a rich man.
2. He lived in the mountains of Wales.
3. Gelert was a large dog. He always was ready to protect the child.
4. He couldn’t find Gelert.
5. Llewellyn noticed that there was blood on dog's muzzle and head.
6. All furniture were overturned. On the floor was blood.
7. He killed the dog. He thougt that Gelert have killed his son.
8. He understood that the dog defends his son.
9. Llewellyn laid a great stone in his yard as a monument to his dog Gelert
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