Помогите пожалуйста с тестом по английскому!!! ПЕРЕПИШИТЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В ПАССИВНОМ ЗАЛОГЕ . 1) People kill blue whales for their oil meat 2) Walt Disney drew Miceky Mouse in 1928 3) Mark will laugh at me 4) We ll do the wor...

Помогите пожалуйста с тестом по английскому!!! ПЕРЕПИШИТЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В ПАССИВНОМ ЗАЛОГЕ . 1) People kill blue whales for their oil & meat 2) Walt Disney drew Miceky Mouse in 1928 3) Mark will laugh at me 4) We ll do the work in the evening 5) I bought potatoes yesterday
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) Blue whales are killed by people for their oil and meat. 2) Miceky Mouse was drawn by Walt Disney in 1928. 3) I will get laughed at by Mark. 4) Work will be done by us in the evening. 5) Potatoes were bought by me yesterday.
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