ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ АНГЛ.ЯЗ.,ПЫТАЮСЬ,СДЕЛАЛА,НО ХОТЕЛОСЬ БЫ ПРОВЕРИТЬ,НЕ УВЕРЕНА 1 Complete the sentences with the word in bold. Change the form or add a prefix where necessary. employ 1 Lifetime employee is a thing of ...

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ АНГЛ.ЯЗ.,ПЫТАЮСЬ,СДЕЛАЛА,НО ХОТЕЛОСЬ БЫ ПРОВЕРИТЬ,НЕ УВЕРЕНА 1 Complete the sentences with the word in bold. Change the form or add a prefix where necessary. employ 1 Lifetime employee is a thing of the past. 2 My son is totally . He has no qualifications - I don't know what we're going to do with him. inspire 3 Our old managing director was much more when it came to giving speeches. 4 I don't have any today. I just can't think of anything. bureaucracy 5 This government has created a nightmare for business. There's so much red tape to get through. expect 6 I don't think the deal met their . They didn't look happy afterwards. 7 Overall it went much better than we'd . compete * 8 I work in a very sector. 9 Who are your main _? critic 10 Do you mind if I make one small 11 She's my biggest fan and my biggest consume 12 The groups will be phoning us as soon as we start to sell their products. 13 We can't go on such large parts of the earth's natural resources. apply 14 My job involves developing computer . 15 We have three waiting for you in reception. appoint 16 Can I fix an with you for next week? deal 17 I'm a on the stock market. 18 with people takes up most of my time. achieve 19 Is this plan with the resources we have? 20 I'd say this design is probably his greatest yet.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) Lifetime employment ... 2) My son is totally unemployable. 3) Our old managing director was much more inspiring ... 4) I don't have any inspiration today. 5) This government bureaucrat ... 6) I don't think the deal met their expectations. 7) ... than we'd expect. 8) ... competitive sector. 9) ... main competitor? 10) ... small critique? 11) ... biggest critic. 12) The consumer groups ... 13) ... go on consuming ... 14) ... developing applied computer. 15) ... three appliers ... 16) ... fix an appointment ... 17) I'm a dealer ... 18) Dealing with people ... 19) Is this plan achievable ... 20) ... his greatest achievement yet.
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