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Экзотическая страна АвстралияAustralia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is situated on the island continent. It also occupies the Island of Tasmania and some minor islands round the coast of the continent. It is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. Its area is about 8 million km2. It is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of a whole continent. The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the capital only in 1927. From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a place where criminals were sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English. Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic development. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral resources. For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Now the most important industries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radioelectronics, and food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials. As for the nature, the commonest trees of Australia are the eucalyptus and the Australian acacia or mimosa, the national emblem of the country. Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia. Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries of the world. A significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a lot of cultures drawn from many lands by its people. Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of a Commonwealth of Nations, it is a relatively prosperous and independent nation. Перевод: Австралия, или Австралийский Союз, как она официально называется, находится на островном континенте. Она также занимает остров Тасмания и небольшие острова вокруг континентального побережья.  Это весьма развитая индустриально-аграрная страна. Её площадь составляет около 8 млн км2. Это единственное государство в мире, занимающее территорию целого континента.  Столица Австралии- Канберра, стала столицей лишь в 1927 году.  С 1787 по 1867 год Австралия была местом, куда отправлялись преступники из Англии. Именно поэтому официальным языком Австралии является английский.  Почти половину территории Австралии занимают пустыни и полупустыни. В течение довольно долгого времени они считались бесполезными для экономического развития. Но они богаты углём, железной рудой, бокситами, ураном, свинцом и многими другими полезными ископаемыми.  Почти столетие производство и экспорт шерсти овец являлся основой экономики страны. В настоящее время наиболее важными отраслями являются нефтяная, химическая, горнорудная промышленность, радиоэлектроника, а также пищевая промышленность. Страна экспортирует сельскохозяйственную продукцию и сырьё.  Что касается природы, то самыми распространенными деревьями в Австралии являются эвкалипт и австралийская акация, или мимоза, - государственный герб страны. Такие необычные животные, как кенгуру или коала, родом тоже из Австралии.  Австралия является одной из самых необычных и экзотических стран мира. Важной особенностью современного австралийского общества является представительство многих культур, принесённых на континент из разных земель.  Исторически - часть Британской империи, в настоящее время - член Содружества Наций, Австралия является процветающей и независимой страной.
Australia Australia - the smallest and driest continent of the planet, as well as the thinnest of all known in the world. The surrounding seas and oceans have little effect on the climate of the hinterland, so little rain falls there. About half of the country is desert or semi-desert. But along the northeast coast, where it rains more often, grow the tropical rainforest. As you move inland, they are replaced by bright eucalyptus forests. There is growing several species of eucalyptus. The leaves and bark of these trees are rich in essential oils, which are widely used in medicine and technology. The fauna of the fifth continent. Only in Australia are found marsupial mammals: kangaroo, a small, charming, arboreal marsupial Bear - koalas, marsupials squirrels and rats. But the main marsupial Australia - kangaroos. Cubs they are born weak, small, so the mother wears them in a bag - a fold of skin on the abdomen. Of the many species of kangaroo (40-50) 9-12 are able to climb trees. They are called: tree kangaroos. animals length of about 60 cm. They feed on buds and leaves of plants, vines, like ferns, berries, fruit. The front legs are slightly longer than the back. In all the long fingers hooked claws, well help them to cling to twigs and branches. If necessary, may without any harm to yourself jumping from a height of 18 m. Only in Australia can be found egg-laying mammals platypus and echidna. Scientists believed that they became extinct millions of years ago. That's why Australia is often called a museum of living fossils. In Australia, a lot of birds. The biggest of them - the emu, the most beautiful - elegant, like a rainbow, birds of paradise, funniest mockingbirds. Huge flocks are flying parrots. Large deep rivers in Australia no. Many rivers dry up periodically - they are called "shouting" ( "streams"). Drought with the terrible forest fires after heavy rain replaced by devastating floods. In the depths of Australia, there are almost all kinds of minerals: gold, silver, copper and iron ore, coal, bauxite, uranium, aluminum. Many of these resources are trafficked to other countries. The most important economic sector - sheep; sheep wool, cheese are many countries in Europe, Asia and America. The first European ship moored to the coast of Australia in the 17th century. Among the pioneers of the mainland were the Dutch and the British. Since 1770, Australia became a British possession. In 1788, the east coast of Australia approached ship from England, carrying several hundred convicts. The British Government has chosen Australia a place of exile. Prisoners started to settle in the continent. And indigenous peoples - Aboriginal began to squeeze the most inconvenient for living areas. Now they number no more than 250 thousand appearance Australian Aborigines characteristic features and Negroid Caucasians: as Negroid - the dark color of the skin, wide nose, thick lips, like the Europeans - long wavy hair, big beard.. They are divided into numerous tribes and speak different, but closely related languages. Aborigines - good hunters, fishermen, they invented the boomerang. Aboriginal musical and skillfully perform their national dances. With the support of the democratic circles of Australian Aborigines are fighting for equality in employment and wages, for the right to land of their ancestors, to preserve their culture and identity. Mainland Australia is one state - a highly developed industrial-agrarian capitalist power Australia. Australians mainly descendants of immigrants from England, Scotland, Ireland and speak English. They were engaged in agriculture, working in mines and mines, metallurgical and chemical plants, in textile and shoe factories producing cars. In 1988, Australia celebrated its 200th anniversary. This is a significant milestone in the life of the country, which enjoys considerable international prestige. Australian people aspire to determine their own destiny, in cooperation with its Asian neighbors, ensuring the relaxation of international tensions. In 1985, the Australian Government has signed an agreement on a nuclear-free zone in the South Pacific. Country expanding ties with many countries of the world. . Australians are proud of their history. Names of Australian writers and poets Henry Lawson, Katharine Prichard, Patrick White, and others known to many people. Australian mainland settled relatively recently, and so the country is not rich in ancient monuments. Australians have no national costume. They wear European clothes. Many Australians spend their leisure time as well as the residents of the UK. They attend clubs, play sports. The most popular swimming. Development and other sports: rowing, sailing regattas. Even in the small town always has a tennis court. Love Australians car races, entrained athletics, rugby, golf. It is popular for horse riding.
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