Помогите пожалуйста, только с соревнований приехал и сразу контрольная. Зарание спасибо)))

Помогите пожалуйста, только с соревнований приехал и сразу контрольная. Зарание спасибо)))
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) 1 to set set set setting, to stop stopped stopping, to swim swam swum , to lie, lied, leid, swimming, to travel travelled traveling, to give gave given giving, to keep kept kept keeping 2) 1 is watching 2 are pupils writing 3 aren't reading 4 plays 5 work 6 takes 7 doesn't like, drinks 3) 1 heard 2 were playing 3 were we cleaning 4 was it.. 5 did you go.. 6 wasn't cooking 7 was talking 8 were laughing 4) 1 has been 2 has already packed 3 have just sloved 4 left 5 haven't eaten 6 when did you open, opened 5) 1 the students will be in the Russian museum tomorrow 2 Timothy will feed his dog in one hours 3 our neighbors will wash thier car next week 4 he will fix his bicycle tomorrow 5 the old man will walk about the room next month
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