Помогите! Пожалуйста!! Заранее спасибо Перевести употребляя сложное дополнение.

Помогите! Пожалуйста!! Заранее спасибо Перевести употребляя сложное дополнение.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) She saw Nina trying on a hat 2) Alice saw her sister took a book. 3) He saw his students stood next to school 4) Tom saw her left a room 5) she saw her children doing their homework 6)Olga saw Andrew sitting on sofa 7) Nick saw Ann writing something 8) She didn't hear me had come to the room 9) I didn't hear them talking 10) Have you ever heard her singing? 11) Have you ever heard him speak Italian 12) I saw Nick had come 13) I saw Georg coming along the street 14) I saw Nelli reading 15) We saw students dancing 16) We saw their parents talking 17) The teacher noticed pupils to talk 18)
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