ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!ТОЛЬКО НЕ ИЗ ИНТЕРНЕТА. Ask questions using: To climb the rock,a modest person,striking news , picturesque scenery,to be buried,a smart student,a smart dress,to develop trade,prosperous countries,great dev...

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!ТОЛЬКО НЕ ИЗ ИНТЕРНЕТА. Ask questions using: To climb the rock,a modest person,striking news , picturesque scenery,to be buried,a smart student,a smart dress,to develop trade,prosperous countries,great devotion. ЖДУ ОТВЕТА!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I`ll do my best in order to climb the rock. My father is a modest person. I`ve just seen striking news on TV. On the top you will see a picturesque scenery. I`m very close to be buried. My father has a smart student. She wears a smart dress. Morning news will help to develope trade. There are a lot of prosperous counties in the world. Usually dogs have great devotion.
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