Помогите пожалуййста,очень прошу)Спасибо за ранее Choose the right answer. 1. This newspaper gives … news, but a lot of pictures. a) few b) little c) many 2. Her mother’s advice was very helpful. She always follows … . a) th...

Помогите пожалуййста,очень прошу)Спасибо за ранее Choose the right answer. 1. This newspaper gives … news, but a lot of pictures. a) few b) little c) many 2. Her mother’s advice was very helpful. She always follows … . a) them b) it c) him 3. Through the window he could see a few houses which were covered with … snow. a) much b) few c) many
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1. a. 2. b. 3. a. ................... 
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