ПОМОГИТЕ ПРИДУМАТЬ ЖАЛОБЫwhen touring in Britain you bought a new CD player. But unfortunately it went wrong almost immediately. Here is a form to note down your complaints.complete the form explaining your problem to the shop ...
when touring in Britain you bought a new CD player. But unfortunately it went wrong almost immediately. Here is a form to note down your complaints.
complete the form explaining your problem to the shop manager
we welcome your comments on services provided ( 25-30 words)
Путешествуя в Англии вы купили себе новый плеер. Но, к несчастью, он почти сразу же сломался. Вот форма для заполнения жалоб.
Заполните форму, объяснив проблему менеджеру магазина.
Приветствуются заметки о предоставлении услуг (25-30 слов).
we welcome your comments on services provided.
мы приветствуем ваши комментарии на предоставляемые услуги.
We will give our attention to all comments.
Мы передадим наше внимание на все комментарии.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I am writing this complaint to the manufacturer due to low quality vypuskaeimyh pleerov.Ya you bought music player is not cheap, but it does not justify its price broke down on the 4-day use. I demand the return of my money. If this does not happen I'll have to complain to the higher court challenges.
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