Помогите пжж,составьте предложения из данных слов: 1.is,city,London,the,biggest 2.than,live,people,million,seven,More,in,London 3.is,city,London,the most important,Britain,in 4.a centre,London, for business,is and,for tourism 5...

Помогите пжж,составьте предложения из данных слов: 1.is,city,London,the,biggest 2.than,live,people,million,seven,More,in,London 3.is,city,London,the most important,Britain,in 4.a centre,London, for business,is and,for tourism 5.are,the best,in,There,theatres,London, cinemas,and museums 6.are,about ten,There,in London, streets,thousand 7.is,the main,Oxford Street,centre,in London, shopping 8.is,the largest,Hyde Park,in London, park 9.is,the most popular,for Londoners,place,Hyde Park 10.the capital,is,of Britain,London 11.is,London, of Britain, centre, a political,and business 12.is,The City,of London, the heart 13.are,in the City, banks,a lot of,There,and offices 14.has,a rich,London, historic park 15.are,castles,in London, There,a lot of,palaces,cathedrals,and churches
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
London is the biggest city
London is the biggest city
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