Помогите составить правильно предложение пожалуйста!!! 1) School, they, when, the, go, to, seven, are, children junior. 2)Education, compulsory,five, of, age, the, begins, at. 3) Some, England, private, are, school, in, there.

Помогите составить правильно предложение пожалуйста!!! 1) School, they, when, the, go, to, seven, are, children junior. 2)Education, compulsory,five, of, age, the, begins, at. 3) Some, England, private, are, school, in, there.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.when the children junior go to school,they are seven. compulsory education begins at the age of five. there are some private school in England
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