Поставить предложения в пассивном залоге. 1. A boy showed me the way. 2. The Great Fire of London burnt many houses. 3. The teachers told us something interesting. 4. Every morning I gave milk to my cat. 5. They sent us to clea...
Поставить предложения в пассивном залоге.
1. A boy showed me the way.
2. The Great Fire of London burnt many houses.
3. The teachers told us something interesting.
4. Every morning I gave milk to my cat.
5. They sent us to clean the yard.
6. They advised him to be nore patient.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. I was showed the way by boy. 2. Many houses were burnt by the Great Fire of London. 3. We were told something interesting by the teachers. 4. My cat is given milk by me every morning. 5. We were sent to clean the yard. 6. He was advised to be more patient.
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