Поставьте вместо точек местоимения some или any задали дочке, а мы с мужем немецкий учили.... 1.I would like … more coffee. 2.Haven't you done … of the exercises? 3.I don't know where Mr. Godley is but be … where in the buildin...

Поставьте вместо точек местоимения some или any задали дочке, а мы с мужем немецкий учили.... 1.I would like … more coffee. 2.Haven't you done … of the exercises? 3.I don't know where Mr. Godley is but be … where in the building. 4.The doctor couldn't let me have … idea how long she would be in hospital. 5.All the evidence shows that … body can learn a new language. 6.As you haven't got … peaches I'll have … apricots. 7.Have you read … of the novels of John Updike? 8.Have you read … of the novels of George Orwell? 9.There aren't … cakes left, so we'll have to buy … more. 10. I doubt if there will be … more snow this winter but there will probably be … frosty night.
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