Построить предложения в утвердительной, вопросительной, отрицательной форме про?

Построить предложения в утвердительной, вопросительной, отрицательной форме про??едшего времени 1. He always (to tell) the truth 2. They (to give) her a ring as a present 3. I (to take) a bus home 4. He (to say) funny things 5. We (to know) him as a boy 6. She (to read) the letters 7. The (to get ) married last year
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.He told the truth . Did he tell the truth ? He didn't tell the truth . 2.They gave her a ring as a present. Did they give her a ring as a present? They didn't give her a ring as a present. 3.I took a bus home . Did I take a bus home ? I didn't take a bus home ? 4.He said funny things . Did he say funny things ? He didn't say funny things 5.We knew him as a boy . Did you know him as a boy ?. We didn't know him as a boy . 6.She read the letters . Did she read the letters ? She didn't read the letters . 7.They got married last year . Did they get married last year ? They didn't get married last year .
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