Пожалуйста, заполните промежутки в предложениях: 1) Mum … in the living room. 2) Dad … plays the guitar. He is good at it. 3) Where … she relax? 4) Sue … cook well. 5) What … you doing right now? 6) He seldom … up at 6 o’c...

Пожалуйста, заполните промежутки в предложениях: 1) Mum … in the living room. 2) Dad … plays the guitar. He is good at it. 3) Where … she relax? 4) Sue … cook well. 5) What … you doing right now? 6) He seldom … up at 6 o’clock. 7) How … playing tennis? 8) … what time do lessons begin? 9) Why … we go jogging? 10) I want … buy flowers as a present. 11) He … speak French very well. 12) Let’s make a … call!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) is 2)- 3) can 4) does 5) are 6) is 7) hard is 8) on 9) can't 10) to 11) can 12) phone
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