Пожалуйста,помогите вставить буквы: 1.Steven is very proub ... his new bicycle. 2.Hello,can l speak ... Ann,please? 3.Are you going to arrange a picnic at the weekend?-l would like to but it depends ... the weather. 4.What are ...

Пожалуйста,помогите вставить буквы: 1.Steven is very proub ... his new bicycle. 2.Hello,can l speak ... Ann,please? 3.Are you going to arrange a picnic at the weekend?-l would like to but it depends ... the weather. 4.What are you looking ...?-l ve lost my pen. 5.She always laughs ... his silly jokes.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.  proud of 2. speak to 3. depends on 4. looking for 5. laughs at
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