Преобразуйте слова в нужную форму 1.Tony Zucci of Manchester Rovers is the(famous) young footballer in the UK. 2.He(play) football on the beach with some local boys when football manager Chris Hill, who was there on business, s...

Преобразуйте слова в нужную форму 1.Tony Zucci of Manchester Rovers is the(famous) young footballer in the UK. 2.He(play) football on the beach with some local boys when football manager Chris Hill, who was there on business, spotted him. 3.By the end of the holiday, Tony (sign) his first contract for Manchester Rovers. Tony works hard to keep feet. 4.On Mondays, Wednesdays, and fridays he (get) up at dawn for training. Even during the winter months, when the temperature is often 5. below freezing, he(never) the session since he entered the team. Manchester Rovers now have a five-point lead in the Premier Division, 6.and they (be) under a lot of pressure to be the 7.first team to win the Cup for the (three) year in succession. 8.'We (know) the outcome of the championship by the end of next week, but with Tony Zucci, star striker, in the team my money definitely on Manchester Rovers', says the manager of the team. 9. Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992) - a Russian-bom American author and professor of biochemistry. was a (high) 10. successful writer best (know) for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time, having written or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 9,000 letters and postcards. 11. Asimov's most famous work is the (found) Series; his other major series are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series? both of which 12. he later tied into the same (fiction) universe/ Asimov was bom in Petrovichi (Smolensk Oblast? Russia) 13. into a (jew) family of millers. His family immigrated to the united States when he was three yers old. Around the age of eleven he began to write his own stories, and by the age of nineteen? having discovered science fiction fandom? he was selling them to the science fiction magazines. Asimov attended New York City Public 14. Schoois and went to Columbia (universe), from which he graduated in 1939, returning after WWII to earn a PhD in biohemistry in 1948
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1 most famous 2 was playing 3 had signed 4 gets up 5 misses 6 are 7 third 8 shall know 9 highly 10 known 11 foundation 12 fictional 13 jewish 14 University
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