Придумайте свою загадку на английском языке 4-8 строк и ответ.спасибо за раннее
Придумайте свою загадку на английском языке 4-8 строк и ответ.
спасибо за раннее
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I have four legs.
I'm very smart and I like to play.
I like to smell things.
I can wag my tail.
I am a... (собака)
Among the bushes at the edge of one Hiding coward. Keeps tabs on the top, gray coat Is summer without removing Yes gnaws grass. But as soon as an evil storm Sweep up the path, Lo and behold, a white coat too cleverly Merged it with snow, To his fox - cheat Not found, and run He is saved from the wolf, Confusing marks. Here, my friends, we need skill! And always the food - Dry grass or bark, The tip of whether escape - He will find winter in the woods, Digging out of the snow. Though, boys, and oblique - Everything - still handsome! In life, knows a lot about the forest Frisky, nimble Rabbit ответ заяц
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