Прочитайте текст. Соотнесите абзац (А-Е) с подходящим к нему заголовком (21-26). Один из заголовков лишний. Внесите свои ответы в бланк ответов. Great White Sharks 21. Great white sharks are at the top of the ocean’s food chain...

Прочитайте текст. Соотнесите абзац (А-Е) с подходящим к нему заголовком (21-26). Один из заголовков лишний. Внесите свои ответы в бланк ответов. Great White Sharks 21. Great white sharks are at the top of the ocean’s food chain. They are the most aggressive sharks ever known, and they have no natural enemies. These giant marine creatures can grow up to six meters long and weigh as much as two thousand tons. Humans are the only beings who dare to get close to them. 22. Inside the gigantic jaws of a great white sharks are thousands of teeth. Some teeth are for grabbing, while others are for tearing. A great white shark doesn’t need to worry about loosing its teeth. When they wear down or break, the shark grows extra teeth to replace them. Even with three thousand teeth, it doesn’t chew its food. Instead, it tears its prey into large pieces and swallows them whole. 23. Great white sharks are skillful hunters. All fish, even the smallest ones, produce small amounts of electricity. Great white sharks find their prey by feeling this electricity. It’s impossible to hide from a great white shark. 24. Great white sharks are solitary creatures. This independence begins very early in life. Even before birth the baby sharks don’t receive nutrition from their mothers. To survive, they eat their brothers and sisters. As soon as the surviving babies are born, the mother shark swims away and leaves the young sharks to begin life alone. 25. Although it normally lives a lonely life, the great white shark has come across humans too often. Because of the demand for shark teeth, jaws and fins, the great white shark is now in danger of disappearing from the Earth. 26. Great white sharks need our help and protection. Because sharks grow slowly and are late to mature, they are close to extinction. Losing sharks can have consequences for the entire ocean ecosystem because they help to keep marine life healthy. A. natural survival B. smart creatures C. dangerous humans D. terrifying weapon E. saving from disappearing F. powerful creatures G. independent since birth
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22 - D 23 - B 24 - G 25 - C 26 - E
22-D 23-B 24-G 25-C 26-E
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