Прошу помощи у знатаков английского!Задания для института.Перевод текста не нужен-сам перевёл.Баллы неплохие предлагаю.Спасибо тем,кто откликнется и сделает! I. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык. A Tri...

Прошу помощи у знатаков английского!Задания для института.Перевод текста не нужен-сам перевёл.Баллы неплохие предлагаю.Спасибо тем,кто откликнется и сделает! I. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык. A Trip to Remember It was very windy when I set off for the airport last Monday morning. The sky was full of dark clouds and soon it started raining heavily. What a great way to start a holiday! While I was driving to the airport, the storm got worse. Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning struck a tree. It came crashing down just metres in front of my car. The fallen tree completely blocked the road, so I was stuck. I tried to call the emergency services on my mobile, but the line was dead. I was positive that I’d miss my plane, so I turned on the radio and tried to get used to the idea. Soon there was a loud knock at the window. To my surprise it was a young man in leather clothes, “Need a ride?” he said. My plane was leaving in an hour so I didn’t think twice. I grabbed my bags, climbed carefully onto the motorcycle and shouted urgently, “To the airport, please!” It was my first time on a motorcycle so I was terrified. The young man drove so fast that I kept my eyes tightly shut all the way. Suddenly, the motorcycle came to a halt. “We are here!” he said. I looked at my watch and saw that I was just in time for my flight. The young man wished me a nice trip, then quickly sped away. As soon as my plane took off, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I could now relax and enjoy my holiday. II. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What was the weather like when the man set off for the airport? 2. What happened while he was driving to the airport? 3. What did he do when he was sure that he’d miss the plane? 4. Who saved the man? How? 5. How did feel on board a plane? III. Составьте высказывания из данных слов. 1. positive, I, miss, that, my, was, would, plane, I. 2. in, flight, I, just, time, for, was, my. IV. Вставьте соответствующую степень сравнения прилагательного, добавляя при необходимости дополнительные слова. The Nile is __________ (long) river in the world. V. Дополните мини-диалог. Используйте глаголы, данные в скобках, выбрав между Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. A: What’s the matter? You look really tired! B: I am! I ____________ (study) all day, and I ____________ (not finish) yet. A: Oh well, time for break. VI. Вставьте в пропуск необходимый предлог. Our car broke down so we went the rest of the way __________ foot. VII. Перепишите каждое предложение в косвенной речи, начиная предложение с предложенного варианта. “I won’t be there because I’m having a party,” said Lucy. Lucy told us that she _______________________________ VIII. Подчеркните ошибку в предложениях. Исправьте ее. I’m not very good at this game. You see, I didn’t play it before. IX. Выберите правильный вариант. When the bus (1) _________ in a small square, Maria (2) _________ her magazines and didn’t realize that she (3) _________ at her destination. 1) A has stopped B stops C stopped D was stopped 2) A was reading B read C had read D used to read 3) A arrived B arrives C had arrived D has arrived
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
№2 1.The weather was not good.The sky was full of dark clouds and soon it started raining heavily. 2.While he was driving to the airport, the storm got worse. Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning struck a tree. It came crashing down just metres in front of his car. The fallen tree completely blocked the road, so he was stuck. He tried to call the emergency services on his mobile, but the line was dead. 3.He was positive that he would miss his plane, so he turned on the radio and tried to get used to the idea. 4. There was a loud knock at the window, it was a young man in leather clothes. The yound man grabbed his bags, climbed carefully onto the motorcycle and shouted urgently, “To the airport, please!” It was his first time on a motorcycle so he was terrified. The young man drove so fast that autor kept my eyes tightly shut all the way. “We are here!” he said.He looked at my watch and saw that I was just in time for my flight. 5.As soon as his plane took off, he breathed a huge sigh of relief. He could now relax and enjoy his holiday. №3 1.I was positive that I would miss my plane. 2.I was just in time for my flight. №4 1.the longest №5 studied,have no finish yet №6 on №7 Lucy told us that she wont be there because she is having a party. №9 1.c 2.a 3.d
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